March 27, 2018.
Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory – Stacy Huff is calm but powerful in her role as spokesperson for the Indigenous Cannabis Cup. She’s well grounded in the powers and uses of cannabis passed on to her from her parents and grandparents. For years, cannabis has been one of several plant medicines she turns to in her midwifery practice. Now, as a grandmother and activist with deep roots in land and water protection, she is excited about the indigenous cannabis movement afoot, and the opportunities that the Indigenous Cannabis Cup will hold for gathering and growing together toward collective healing.
We want peace. We want healing. And, as far as the Great Law, it all comes together as peace in your mind, a peaceful way of thinking, a good mind, using a good mind. And even this gathering that’s coming, everyone that’s coming and participating, they want to teach, they want to inform people. They want to help the people and again, to heal the people. Because if you heal the mind, the body follows.
~ Stacy Huff
On March 16th, Stacy sat down to share her professional and personal journeys with Smoke Signals Media. Here is our radio interview, below.

2018-03-16 – Smoke Signals Media interviews Stacy Huff – complete transcript
2018-03-16 Smoke Signals Media interviews Stacy Huff (MP3 = 43.1 MB)
2018-03-16 Smoke Signals Media interviews Stacy Huff (WAV 516.7 MB)
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