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Posts published in “Video”

B.C. raids four cannabis shops on K’ómoks First Nation land near Courtenay

By: Kendall Hanson from Chek News B.C.’s community safety unit (CSU), which is responsible for cannabis enforcement in the province, raided four shops on K’ómoks First Nation land this week. The raids were carried out on Thursday and while no one was arrested, a sizable amount of cannabis and products were seized.…

Fighting for sovereign Micmac rights in Ugpi’ganjig

Chris, Kyle and Cody Caplin are brothers who live at Ugpi'ganjig and who have been on the front lines of the Micmac fight for economic sovereignty for years. Like hundreds of other Indigenous entrepreneurs, when Canada legalized cannabis in 2018, Chris and Cody Caplin opened a sovereign trading post to sell cannabis on reserve. With wide ranging support for the use of cannabis as a medicine in the community, five other cannabis shops followed the lead of the Medicine Cabinet, and have helped to build a thriving cannabis economy in the community.  

“Return our medicines:” supporters of High-Way 69 Medicinal Dispensary rally against APS raid

About two dozen people gathered at the Shawanaga Band Council office on Monday, March 22nd to rally against the March 11th, 2021 raid by Anishinabek Police Services on the High-Way 69 Medicinal dispensary. The group was led by Hereditary Chief Del Riley, a former head of the National Indian Brotherhood, and one of the main authors and negotiators for the sections of the Canadian constitution which are meant to safeguard Aboriginal and Treaty Rights.

VIDEO – Batchewana Police receive letter and agree to “come to an arrangement” with dispensaries after National Aboriginal Day police station rallies

A new step in a dialogue was made on Sunday as Sergeant Jim Sayers of the Batchewana Police (OPP) agreed with dispensary owners that criminalization doesn’t work to address rights issues; and offered to “sit down, talk about it, come to an arrangement” as Anishinaabe people. OPP Provincial Liaison Team…