The Ketegaunseebee Medzin Society is sponsoring a community meeting and feast on Thursday December 19th from 5:30pm-8pm. The meeting is being held “to discuss how we can best adopt the historical governance structures and policies of our ancestors in regards to the beneficial use of the cannabis plant.” The event comes in the wake of recent events in the community including a police raid on one of the community’s cannabis shops and a rally held by over 50 members outside the Band Council office.
Del Riley, the former leader of the National Indian Brotherhood and the author of Sections 25 and 35 of the Constitution Act will be making a presentation as to what Constitutionally protected rights Garden River First Nations members have to grow and sell cannabis. All are welcome to attend.
The feast is being catered by Grand Gardens, who will serve penne and meatballs, chicken cutlets with roasted potatoes.
To see the Facebook event visit this link

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