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Posts published in “Government Laws”

Nova Scotia cannabis decision shuts down Aboriginal and Treaty Rights defence

From By Sara Mainville, Isabel Klassen-Marshall, July 24th, 2024 On June 7th, the Provincial Court of Nova Scotia issued a decision in R. v. Marshall et al, decisively shutting down an Aboriginal and Treaty rights defense in a high-profile cannabis case under the Cannabis Act and the Excise Act  in the decision.[1] The defendants, who operated cannabis…

B.C. raids four cannabis shops on K’ómoks First Nation land near Courtenay

By: Kendall Hanson from Chek News B.C.’s community safety unit (CSU), which is responsible for cannabis enforcement in the province, raided four shops on K’ómoks First Nation land this week. The raids were carried out on Thursday and while no one was arrested, a sizable amount of cannabis and products were seized.…

Wisconsin missing out on $200 million of revenue from marijuana, Indigenous cannabis advocate says

From WTMJ Wisconsin’s Radio by Jack Graue April 1 2024 MICHIGAN — Wisconsin is flanked on all sides by states that allow medical and recreational marijuana, but does not legally allow the use of the plant. A legislative effort to bring restricted medical marijuana to Wisconsin fell apart in early 2024. Now,…

New Brunswick says it can’t enforce its cannabis laws on First Nations reserves

MARCH 31, 2024 | DAVID BROWN New Brunswick says it is unable to enforce its provincial cannabis laws on First Nations land, while other provinces take a different stance.  The new comments come following proposed changes to the province’s Cannabis Act and stand in contrast to statements and actions taken by other…

Toronto wants more money from the province to deal with a growing number of illegal cannabis stores

MARCH 27, 2024 | DAVID BROWN The head of Toronto’s licensing and standards department says the city needs more money to enforce the law against a growing number of illegal cannabis stores operating there.  In an interview with City News, Carleton Grant, Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards at City of Toronto, says…

Ontario to add $31 million to budget to deal with increasing number of illegal cannabis stores

MARCH 26, 2024 | DAVID BROWN Ontario is planning to add $31 million to its budget to address illegal cannabis stores and websites operating in the province.  As part of Ontario’s Budget 2024, it says it plans to provide the funds over three years to the Provincial Joint Forces Cannabis Enforcement Team…

Halifax Regional Police trample on  Mi’kmaq Treaty Rights

In an interview with Dispensing Freedom, Mr. Durfee stated that when the Halifax Regional Police/RCMP – led by Detective Constable Jeffrey Seebold – raided Amu Leaf, the officers displayed significant “ignorance and racism” in their conduct. Durfee says that the officers “ripped all of our treaty materials off the walls and shredded them, tore down all our signage from the walls, and smashed all of our security cameras.”