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A statement from the Kenhteke Cannabis Association

Released on July 17, 2017. 

We are Onkwehon:we people who provide access to cannabis products and other natural medicines in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.

We are Onkwehon:we and as such we uphold our people’s traditional decision making process through our Clans, Nation, and Confederacy.

We do not recognize the authority or jurisdiction of foreign entities such as the Tyendinaga Police or the Elected Band Council on our lands, culture, economy, and politics.

Cannabis is a healing plant and we are providing it as a medicine for people who need it. Our activities heal people and do not cause them harm.
As Onkwehon:we people we have an intrinsic right to use natural medicines to heal ourselves, and an intrinsic responsibility to provide medicine to all those who need it.

We do not need permission to uphold our responsibilities to be who we are. We have a process for making decisions and resolving our differences through our clans and traditional system.

We will not tolerate the Tyendinaga Police or the Elected Band Council encroaching on our rights and responsibilities and trying to usurp the authority of our clans and decision making structures.

Any attempt to close down our operations will be treated as a threat to our livelihood and an interference in our way of life and will be dealt with accordingly.

We are willing to meet and council with those who wish to discuss this matter further with us.

The Kenhteke Cannabis Council

 is made up of the following businesses:

Smoke Signals

Field of Dreams

Buddies Apothecary

Peacemaker 420

The Weed Store

For Ever Green

Big Greens

Rotorri Distribution

Smoke on the Water

Sweetgrass Farms

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