www.DispensingFreedom.com is hosting a Zoom meeting on Thursday Sept 8th, (6pm in the Maritimes, 5pm in Ontario, 3pm in Alberta, and 2pm in BC time) to hear from spokespeople from the Burnin Grass dispensary in Samson First Nation and to get reactions from others on the call about what happened when the RCMP raided them on Sept 1st, 2022.
For background see: https://dispensingfreedom.com/2022/09/03/rcmp-raids-only-sovereign-indigenous-cannabis-dispensary-in-alberta-steals-property-and-damages-facility/
Speakers on the call will include Former National Chief and Hereditary Chippewa Crane Clan Chief Delbert Riley, Gitxsan Hereditary Chief Cliff Sampare, Hereditary Chief Dsahayl of the Likhts’amisyu Clan of the Wet’suwet’en Nation, Calvin Straightnose – Former Chief of Keeseekoose First Nation, Hector Pictou, Putus – traditional knowledge holder on laws, wampum belts and treaties for the Mi’kmaq Nation, a representative of the Six Nations Peoples Cannabis Coalition, Linda Fazio from Six Nations, Mohawk War Chief Kanenhariyo from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Donald MacDonald, creator of “Emery Burning Grass” of Onion Lake First Nation, John Hawke Gchimnissing Anishinabek and co-founder of ACTION www.anishinaabek.com, Ken Hughes from the sovereign Mississauga of the Credit Toronto stores, Julian Moulton from Tribal Relief and Councillor of Tobique First Nation, Cody Caplin from Eel River Bar First Nation, Albert Marshall Mi’kmaq from Eskasoni First Nation, and a number of other invited guests and speakers.

Video of the Zoom call will be recorded and released on www.dispensingfreedom.com and shared on various social media platforms.
Please share widely, invite is below
Dispensing Freedom is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Standing in Solidarity with Burnin Grass Dispensary
Time: Sep 8, 2022 05:00 PM Montreal
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