Ever since the creation of the Indian Act in 1876, Indigenous people have been forced onto reserves and had our independent economies marginalized and repressed as Canada has committed genocide on us.
Now, we are asserting our rights to an economy on our unceded traditional territories. Over the last year, Iroquois and Anishinaabe people have opened seven cannabis shops on our unceded and unsurrendered lands in Toronto. Now is the time to open other sovereign Indigenous dispensaries, restaurants, food trucks, tobacco shops, and trading posts.
Join an interactive webinar with speakers including: Ken Hughes Sr. Spokesperson for Mississaugas of the Credit Medicine Wheel, Tyendinaga Mohawk War Chief Kanenhariyo, and Hereditary Crane Clan Chief Delbert Riley on Monday, April 4th at 7pm. Join the discussion about the Indigenous rights to a sovereign economy off-reserve, and learn about the practical steps you can take as an Indigenous person to open a business off-reserve in accordance with your inherent rights and treaty relationships.
For more information contact realpeoplesmedia@gmail.com
Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/537714021306112
ZOOM LINK: Real People’s Media, Mississaugas of the Credit Medicine Wheel, and Dispensing Freedom are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Practical steps to open an off-reserve business on Traditional Territory
Time: Apr 4, 2022 07:00 PM Toronto
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