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Posts published in “News”

Position paper blasts Shawanaga Cannabis Law as an “unconstitutional” violation of the people’s rights

The position paper “opposes the proposed cannabis law for multiple reasons, including but not limited to: A) its unconstitutional violation of our Aboriginal and Treaty rights on our unceded Indigenous lands, B.) the failure of Chief and Council to involve or consult with the people, C) the lack of transparency or accountability over the convoluted corporate structure created to monopolize the cannabis industry, and D) the way in which the law criminalizes Shawanaga members involved in the cannabis industry.”

Canada’s first Indigenous-owned cannabis producer releases first products to a First Nation retailer

A manager at Green Chief Naturals, licensed to operate by the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, confirms that they began carrying two varieties of dried cannabis from Seven Leaf on Friday, April 23. This appears to represent the first product from a federally licensed cannabis producer being sold in a retail location not authorized by a provincial cannabis authority, but instead by local First Nations authorities.

Grow landrace cannabis strains with ‘fair trade’ seeds from the source

From by David Bienenstock April 26 2021 The Indian Landrace Exchange connects rural farmers in India, Pakistan, and Kashmir with European and North American seed distributors, protecting the landrace strains and giving local farmers an equitable return on their ancient cannabis genetics. (Photo courtesy of Indian Landrace Exchange) With…

Concerns raised over voter suppression in Shawanaga First Nation elections

Chief Pamajewon and a council made up of Patricia Pawis, Richard Jason, Dan Pawis, Alfred Stevens and Sherrill Judge have set election regulations that will reduce voter turnout and eliminate online voting. In the midst of a pandemic and ‘stay at home’ order, all voter are now required to travel in person to vote at the recreation centre in the First Nation on May 15th.

“Return our medicines:” supporters of High-Way 69 Medicinal Dispensary rally against APS raid

About two dozen people gathered at the Shawanaga Band Council office on Monday, March 22nd to rally against the March 11th, 2021 raid by Anishinabek Police Services on the High-Way 69 Medicinal dispensary. The group was led by Hereditary Chief Del Riley, a former head of the National Indian Brotherhood, and one of the main authors and negotiators for the sections of the Canadian constitution which are meant to safeguard Aboriginal and Treaty Rights.