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Smoke Signals Bulletin #2 April 16 2018


Welcome to the weekly Smoke Signals Bulletin!

Smoke Signals Media is a collaboration between independent indigenous cannabis entrepreneurs and a team of freelance media creators living in Iroquoia (Southern Ontario and Quebec). The goal of Smoke Signals Media is to create and share news and knowledge from those on the front lines of the indigenous cannabis industry. Learn more about what we do and who’s on our team!

Table of Contents | Issue 2 | April 16, 2018

True North Seeds holds grand opening on 4/20 in Alderville

Indigenous Owned and Operated “True North Seed Bank” Launches as North America’s Largest Cannabis Seed Collector

Alderville First Nation – On Friday, April 20, 2018, True North Seed Bank, holders of North America’s largest variety of cannabis seeds, will hold its grand opening with giveaways, a barbecue and live music. The 4/20 celebration will take place at its newly built location next to the Medicine Wheel dispensary in Alderville First Nation. Customers will be able to choose from among 2000 varieties of seeds, ready and available on site. True North Seed Bank is Indigenously owned and operated. 

The grand opening of the seed bank will involve giveaways, BBQ and live music. The first 100 customers will receive a gift bag including a Canuk Puck (a hockey puck filled with seeds) worth $280. 420 BBQ burgers, 420 BBQ hotdogs, 420 soft drinks will also be given away. Live music will be performed by Alderville artist Cale Crowe.

With Canada’s legalization there will be a high need for seeds for home and commercial use. True North will supply a massive diversity of seeds to the public, including rare strains. The indigenous owners, operators and staff of Medicine Wheel Natural Healing and True North Seed Bank are ensuring that the indigenous, natural approach to cannabis medicine is supported from seed to harvest. The event will be held at the Medicine Wheel Plaza – 8986 County Road 45, on Alderville First Nation. For more information, check out

For more information we encourage you to listen to Lyss England’s interview with Medicine Wheel and True North Seed Bank owner Rob Stevenson, on Northumberland 89.7 or check out 

Six Nations Police raid King Leaf dispensary.

Six Nations Police raid King Leaf dispensary twice in two days: shop vows to stay open and expand

SIX NATIONS – Six Nations Police doubled down in their attempts to shut down Onkwehon:we run medicinal cannabis dispensaries on the territory this week, carrying out two consecutive raids on the Onkwehon:we owned store King Leaf. King Leaf is located at 2792 Fourth Line (at Onondaga Rd) and sells Onkwehon:we produce and manufactures including tobacco and cannabis.

The management of King Leaf has vowed to remain open despite what they view as “straight up theft” from the Six Nations Police Department.

“It’s just like tobacco back in the day,” said manager JR Hill. “The cops are trying to rob us of our inherent right. Half of the people down here are all employed in tobacco. We had to fight for our right to build a tobacco economy. All those tobacco millionaires did time in jail back in the day for ‘contraband.’ What’s going on right now is no different.”

Hill further questioned the actions of the police in carrying out raids back to back. “Selling medicinal cannabis on our lands is our inherent right. How can they do raids back to back, leave product, leave money? I’ve sold cannabis half my life and there’s no way this is right. They didn’t leave no paperwork or nothing.” Read full story…


Six Nations Police representatives explain cannabis raids

On Monday, Smoke Signals Media spoke with representatives of the Six Nations Police Department (SNPD) and the Six Nations Police Commission, to hear their explanations for the raids.

We spoke on the phone first with SNPD Staff Sergeant Dave Smoke. Smoke has served on the force since 1992 in a variety of positions including Patrol Constable, Community Services Officer, Detective Constable, Patrol Sergeant, Media Relations Officer, and A/S/Sgt in charge of Operations. We followed up with Steve Williams, a former Six Nations elected Chief who now sits as both the Chair of the Six Nations Police Commission, and the President of Grand River Enterprises International, the largest First Nations’ owned private business in the world. Read full story here…

New issue of Smoke Signals Magazine coming soon!

We’re hard at work on our next issue of Smoke Signals Magazine, and are pleased to give you a sneak peak at our cover. For more info, email We’re expecting this issue to be out by May 1st, 2018.

Link of the week: Cannabis and the Onkwehon:we Video

Cannabis and the Onkwehon:we was a public meeting held in Six Nations on March 27th, 2018. The event was sponsored by Herbal Releaf CBD+, King Leaf, and Smoke Signals Media. Presentations were made by Kanasaraken Loran Thompson,  Ateronhiata:kon Francis Boots and Tekarontake Paul Delaronde.

The topics discussed at the meeting included: What is the Onkwehon:we relationship to cannabis? What are the implications of the Canadian legalization of cannabis for Onkwehon:we people? How should cannabis be “regulated” on Onkwehon:we territories? Given the potential economic benefits of the cannabis industry, what lessons for cannabis can be learned from the experience of the Tobacco industry?

Watch the full video here.



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