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Dispensing Freedom


The Six Nations of the Grand River is putting up a cannabis commission and wants eight percent of the sales to go to the community projects. The elected council at the territory submitted a law on February 25 that says those who have permits to process, produces, sell and distribute marijuana should contribute to the community.

Cannabis Company Receives Investment from Manitoba Métis For-Profit Corporation

Green Mountain, an upcoming socially responsible, low-cost, large-scale wholesale cannabis and hemp producer, has recently received a $1 million investment from Métis N4 Construction. Métis N4 Construction is a diversified project management construction corporation owned by Métis Economic Development Trust, which was established by the Manitoba Métis Federation (MMF).

A Look at Westleaf (WSLFF)(WL:CA) and Vertical Integration in the Cannabis Industry

Thanks to the development of their Thunderchild Facility (the cultivation site is located on lands owned by the Thunderchild First Nation and is anticipated to provide a source of long-term employment for as many as 150 people from the region) in Battleford, Saskatchewan, the company has 7,300 kg of flower in process, while 14,600 kg will be available after Phase 2 is complete, and, lastly, Phase 3 will top out at 29,200 kg.