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Dispensing Freedom

Smoke Signals Bulletin #2

Alderville First Nation hosts next indigenous cannabis gathering On Sunday, November 26th, indigenous people interested in the cannabis industry will be gathering from 12-5pm at the Community Hall in Alderville. One of the outcomes of the October 21st indigenous cannabis meeting in Six Nations was a commitment from Medicine Wheel…

Smoke Signals Bulletin #1

Public Meeting on Cannabis to be held in Six Nations On Saturday, October 21st, from 2-5pm at 2593 Chiefswood Rd, (the old Bingo Hall) in Six Nations, Onkwehon:we (original) people involved with the cannabis industry will offer their thoughts on cannabis. With the Federal government of Canada bringing forward the Cannabis…

Smoke Signals Magazine – Issue 1

The first issue of the magazine is out now. It’s available at Indigenous cannabis dispensaries across Ontario. Here’s what’s in the table of contents. Table of contents A word from quality control 2017: The year that Indigenous cannabis became unstoppable Cannabis as a Medicine A statement from the Kenhteke Cannabis…

Kanenhariyo on traditional medicine and cannabis

In this interview Kanenhariyo speaks about his understandings of Onkwehon:we medicine, especially as it concerns the cannabis plant. YouTube Version   Vimeo Version Facebook Comments