By Tom Keefer TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – Business is booming at Legacy 420, Tyendinaga’s first medical cannabis dispensary. Day after day, from morning until night, the parking lot and storefront at 5965 Old Hwy 2 in Tyendinaga is packed with customers looking to purchase medical marijuana to treat their ailments. According to owner…
Dispensing Freedom
By: Mia Rabson Winnipeg Free Press 12/6/2016 4:42 PM OTTAWA — A former national indigenous leader is launching a new venture to take weed to reserves. Phil Fontaine, former head of both the Assembly of First Nations and the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, will lead Indigenous Roots, a medical marijuana company…
Grow-Op Raided, Dealers Busted; Busy Week For The Peacekeepers: over 300 harvested marijuana plants wound up in the Peacekeepers’ possession after a joint operation with Chateauguay Police resulted in the arrest of a Chateauguay man.
Marijuana dispensary open in Alderville: The store is called South Shore Wellness - Full Service Cannabis Dispensary and is located at 8987 on Hwy. 45 in Roseneath.
Wahta marijuana dispensary closes in 2016 after the operator said police laid criminal charges against him.
National Post, April 26, 2016 Patients said the Brantford doctor threatened to cut off their take-home doses and physically walked them into the store, according to a disciplinary ruling An Ontario doctor used intimidation, threats and gifts to steer vulnerable methadone patients to the pharmacy linked with his clinic, according…
By Tom Blackwell, National Post, March 15, 2016 The number of patients on methadone has soared, climbing in Ontario alone from 3,000 in 1996 to over 50,000, almost four times the per-capita rate in the U.S. Sandra Thorkelson sees them huddled outside the addiction clinic opposite her bank in North…
The history of Canada is deeply intertwined with the story of cannabis, the plant also known as marijuana or hemp.