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True North Seeds holds grand opening on 4/20 in Alderville

Indigenous Owned and Operated “True North Seed Bank” Launches as North America’s Largest Cannabis Seed Collector

Alderville First Nation – On Friday, April 20, 2018, True North Seed Bank, holders of North America’s largest variety of cannabis seeds, will hold its grand opening with giveaways, a barbecue and live music. The 4/20 celebration will take place at its newly built location next to the Medicine Wheel dispensary in Alderville First Nation. Customers will be able to choose from among 2000 varieties of seeds, ready and available on site. True North Seed Bank is Indigenously owned and operated. 

The grand opening of the seed bank will involve giveaways, BBQ and live music. The first 100 customers will receive a gift bag including a Canuk Puck (a hockey puck filled with seeds) worth $280. 420 BBQ burgers, 420 BBQ hotdogs, 420 soft drinks will also be given away. Live music will be performed by Alderville artist Cale Crowe.

With Canada’s legalization there will be a high need for seeds for home and commercial use. True North will supply a massive diversity of seeds to the public, including rare strains. The indigenous owners, operators and staff of Medicine Wheel Natural Healing and True North Seed Bank are ensuring that the indigenous, natural approach to cannabis medicine is supported from seed to harvest. The event will be held at the Medicine Wheel Plaza – 8986 County Road 45, on Alderville First Nation.

For more information we encourage you to listen to Lyss England’s interview with Medicine Wheel and True North Seed Bank owner Rob Stevenson, on Northumberland 89.7 or check out 

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