Originally published April 28, 2018. Reprinted from FNTC website. The FNTC has been working with proponent First Nations to advance a First Nation cannabis tax option since March 2017. The FNTC made proposals about this option in April 2017 to the Minister of Justice and in August 2017 to the…
Dispensing Freedom
The crapshoot involving the Trudeau Liberals’ rush to legalize marijuana before the summer’s end just got its timeline potentially thrown into disarray with the Senate recommending a year’s delay evaluate the harmful effects it may have on our indigenous communities. If only they knew it’s already a fiasco. Members of…
Members of the Senate’s aboriginal affairs committee, chaired by Liberal Saskatchewan Sen. Lillian Dyck, claimed the Trudeau progressives did not consult enough with First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities, and that quick passage of pot legalization would be paving them another road to hell.
Trudeau was non-committal on the question of whether his government would bend to a call from the Senate's Aboriginal Peoples committee to delay the measure by as much as a year.
From cannabis to child welfare: Indigenous leaders hold rare special meeting on federal legislation: The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) called a two-day special chiefs meeting in Gatineau
A Senate committee says Ottawa should put off legalizing marijuana for a year until Canada and First Nations can negotiate tax sharing, produce culturally appropriate education materials and ensure First Nations are able to regulate for themselves whether they want pot to be legal in their communities or not.
A Senate committee says Ottawa should put off legalizing marijuana for a year until Canada and First Nations can negotiate tax sharing, produce culturally appropriate education materials and ensure First Nations are able to regulate for themselves whether they want pot to be legal in their communities or not.
A Senate committee says Ottawa should put off legalizing marijuana for a year until Canada and First Nations can negotiate tax sharing, produce culturally appropriate education materials and ensure First Nations are able to regulate for themselves whether they want pot to be legal in their communities or not.
CBC journalist Jorge Barrera examines the rapidly growing indigenous cannabis industry in a segment for CBC’s National on April 20th, 2018. . http://www.cbc.ca/news/thenational Facebook Comments
The Look North Indigenous Economy Report distributed at a conference in Thompson April 10 is a tool to demonstrate the contributions that northern Indigenous people make to the province’s economy as well as to establish a baselines for future economic comparisons.