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Dispensing Freedom

Smoke Signals Bulletin #2 April 16 2018

THE INDIGENOUS CANNABIS CUP – MAY 18-21 in TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – DON’T MISS IT! Welcome to the weekly Smoke Signals Bulletin! Smoke Signals Media is a collaboration between independent indigenous cannabis entrepreneurs and a team of freelance media creators living in Iroquoia (Southern Ontario and Quebec). The goal of Smoke…

Six Nations Police raid King Leaf dispensary twice in two days: shop vows to stay open and expand

SIX NATIONS – Six Nations Police doubled down in their attempts to shut down Onkwehon:we run medicinal cannabis dispensaries on the territory this week, carrying out two consecutive raids on the Onkwehon:we owned store King Leaf. King Leaf is located at 2792 Fourth Line (at Onondaga Rd) and sells Onkwehon:we…