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Posts published in “Alderville First Nation”

Gathering to workshop a framework for Anishnabek self-regulation of the cannabis industry

On Saturday, March 9th, 2019 the Mississauga of Rice Lake Cannabis Association will be hosting a day long meeting in Alderville to bring together Anishinabek cannabis growers and dispensary owners to discuss, improve, and possibly adopt a common framework of self-regulation and community governance that puts the regulation and economic benefit…

Medicine Wheel expands in new era of cannabis legalization

Medicine Wheel was the first cannabis dispensary to open on Alderville’s “Mashkiki Trail” or “Green Mile.” It is a state-of-the-art dispensary, testing site, and production facility established by Alderville First Nation member Rob Stevenson. Inspired by the growth of cannabis dispensaries in nearby Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, Medicine Wheel opened its doors on June 21st, 2017.