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Posts published in “News”

On the symbolism and meaning of the Tyendinaga Police badge

TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – Tyendinaga Police Chief Ron Maracle recently showed up in person and armed to demand that Kanyenkehaka (Mohawk) dispensaries providing cannabis to a primarily non-native clientele, immediately shutter their doors. Maracle represents a policing agency jointly funded by the elected band council (a department of the Canadian federal government) and the Ontario…

Kenhteke Cannabis Association delivers statement to OPP

Runners from the Kenhteke Cannabis Association deliver a statement to OPP officer Simon Owen on Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory on Tuesday morning. TYENDINAGA MOHAWK TERRITORY – Runners on behalf of a newly formed group of cannabis providers delivered a strong and clear message to the Tyendinaga OPP on Tuesday morning. Their message…