Since February 4th 2025 the Nova Scotia RCMP has been launching near-daily raids on Mi’kmaq-owned truckhouses belonging to members of the Micmac Rights Association. While the NS-RCMP regularly conducts raids on Indigenous truckhouses and fisheries the scale and aggressiveness of the recent raids are unprecedented.
Some of the aggressive and unusual actions by the RCMP include kicking the door in on a teenage boy using the bathroom and seizing his phone, hauling away truckhouses using tow trucks operated by Added Touch Towing, smashing traditional soapstone carvings, assaulting a pregnant woman, stealing $375 from a child’s piggy bank, stealing duty paid cigarettes, cash, cannabis, security systems and other items.
The RCMP has not released a press statement regarding any of these raids which would seem to indicate they are ongoing. The Micmac Rights Association responded to these raids by calling a meeting on February 11 2025 which was attended by over 100 people where they unanimously adopted an Action Plan to counter the RCMP actions and hold them accountable.
The Action Plan has already borne fruit after Added Touch Towing was targeted with a review/phone bomb campaign they appear to have scrubbed themselves from the internet with their Google, Facebook and website all disappearing as of February 14 2025.
Some of the demands of the Action Plan include banning RCMP officers and towing companies involved in the raids from the Mi’kmaq Territory and demanding an official apology. The actions approved by the meeting include launching a formal petition, holding a protest and information picket on March 10th, a 111km walk by the boy who was assaulted and had his phone seized on June 21st from Annapolis Valley First Nation to Dartmouth RCMP, and another day-long meeting on September 31st the day before Treaty Day. In between each of these events there will be multiple ZOOM and in-person meetings many of which will be open to the public.
These raids are ongoing and more information is flowing into Dispensing Freedom staff constantly. As always we rely on our readers to contact us with any further information they have on new raids or new details on raids already reported. This is an unprecedented situation and we greatly appreciate any information sent to and/or
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