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Brother Processing specializes in providing Interac services for Indigenous dispensaries

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Indigenous communities and businesses are often disadvantaged by a lack of infrastructure and business services on reserve. Our family owned business, Brother Processing Services, has been making concrete steps to help Indigenous entrepreneurs across Canada access banking and merchant payment services.

Our team at recognizes and affirms the constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights of Indigenous peoples across Canada to operate trading posts in their unceded territories. We currently provide Interac processing services to over 50 Indigenous businesses. 

We’ve also just created a video commercial showing how our services can increase your point of sale revenues.  

Indigenous Cannabis Merchant Services – Putting Indigenous Communities First with BPS

Brother Processing has more than 15 years of experience in providing payment solutions to businesses. In 2017, the company pivoted to the cannabis industry and has been helping dispensaries, wholesalers, ancillary businesses, and ecommerce CBD companies with payment solutions ever since.

To learn more, visit the Brother Processing website, call 1-800-891-8965, or email Brother Processing will be at the 2023 Indigenous Cannabis Cup in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory from July 21-23, so come and say hi!

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