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Marijuana shops open on Akwesasne, some not happy

By Keith Benman | WWNYTV | April 28, 2021 at 6:13 PM EDT – Updated April 28 at 6:41 PM

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AKWESASNE, N.Y. (WWNY) – Pot shops are open in Akwesasne. Some say “peace and love.” Others say “not so fast.”

“It feels kinda good – be able to pull into a shop, walk in like you’re at a convenience store and buy whatever you want,” said Josh Angus, Good Leaf customer.

So how’s the product?

“I don’t know. I’ll let you know later. … I’ll be able to tell you more later,” said Angus.

The shops opened days after an outdoor marijuana market was held. Shop owners say customers are definitely curious.

“They want to know what kind of marijuana we have…What strains do what,” said Morris Oakes, Good Leaf owner.

And so far, customers seem happy.

“It’s just like, you know, peace! Love,” Morris Oakes, Good Leaf owner.

But not everyone is happy. The St. Regis Mohawk tribal government has issued cease and desist orders. They say the shops are not safe. The tribal government urges people not to patronize them until it develops regulations.

Rival Traditional Longhouse Mohawks point to 41 pages of regulations they have developed for the shops. They say every product sold has been lab tested with documentation.

“Nothing in these stores doesn’t have this with it,” said Gabriel Oakes, assisted Traditional Longhouse drawing up regulations.

It seems the Mohawk tribal government has reacted to all this with more than just a cease and desist order. They also seem to have sped up their timeline for regulating legal sales.

They now say they will have regulations ready in as little as 45 days. And they say possession and use of small amounts is now okay in Akwesasne.

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