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Medical marijuana dispensary opens in Curve Lake

From Peterborough This Week link to article
by Angela Lavallee, Feb 26, 2018

Curve Lake marijuana dispensary

The Trican store in Curve Lake sold lots of bud when it opened on Feb. 25. – Angela Lavallee photo


The Trican store in Curve Lake offered edible marijuana products when it opened on Feb. 25. – Angela Lavallee photo


Curve Lake First Nation has its first medical marijuana dispensary.

TRICAN opened at 1262 Mississauga St. on Friday, Feb. 23. The new shop has a café-style feel to it and all product is behind a glass enclosure. Dispensary owner Tammy Banks says flower, edibles, cremes and oils with both Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD) can be purchased at the dispensary. 

She says the establishment is not a pot shop. Banks is among several other Ontario First Nations people who have jumped into the business aspect of legalization of marijuana, as the province prepares to open its own stores in July.

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