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Band opens new cannabis shops

From link to article by Oliver Chronicle – January 24, 2020

It’s the Osoyoos Indian Band’s turn to jump into the cannabis dispensary business.

The band recently opened Indigenous Bloom in Senkulmen Business Park (next to Tim Hortons), and soon plans to open another shop in Osoyoos.

Chief Clarence Louie said they have partnered with Indigenous Bloom to sell medicinal and recreational cannabis under the band’s Community Cannabis Bylaw. He stated their standards meet or exceed those imposed by the federal and provincial government.

“Economic prosperity and job creation are our clear objectives,” Louie said.

Robert Louie, executive chairman of Indigenous Bloom, said their goal is creating partnerships with Indigenous peoples on reserve land.

Both Clarence and Robert agreed that all First Nations and Indigenous peoples across Canada should prosper and have the opportunity to take part in sustainable economic developments like this.

Chief Louie said the cannabis industry is a great economic opportunity for the Osoyoos Indian Band in the South Okanagan.

As a point of interest, no tax is charged on cannabis products  at Indigenous Bloom.

A grand opening for both dispensaries is scheduled for Feb. 3.

Indigenous Bloom is a federally registered company whose partnership operations include production, extraction, staff training and retail sales.

Osoyoos Indian Band councillor Nathan McGinnis said staff undergo a comprehensive three-day training course on the products and their effects.

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