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St. Regis Mohawks could sell medical marijuana as soon as this spring

From link to article by Keith Benman, December 17, 2019

AKWESASNE, N.Y. (WWNY) – Mohawk voters approve legalizing medical and recreational marijuana. Medical marijuana could be for sale at Akwesasne this spring.

Soon, another product may be added to those you see for sale along Route 37 in Akwesasne. St. Regis Mohawk voters overwhelmingly approved legalizing medical and recreational marijuana over the weekend.

“This has been a long process, particularly for the medical marijuana ordinance. It follows an initial referendum that was held in December 2016,” said Brendan White, St. Regis Mohawk Tribe communications director.

Medical marijuana could be on sale as soon as spring. The tribe wants to work with New York state so anyone with a prescription can get their medical marijuana at Akwesasne – even people who are not members of the tribe.

“It will be good to see that people can actually get local medical marijuana here and cut back on the travel,” said Joseph Bowen, Akwesasne Chamber of Commerce treasurer.

The only medical marijuana dispensary in the north country now is in Plattsburgh.

When it comes to recreational marijuana, there’s a longer road ahead. More public meetings will be held.

Regulations will have to be passed. There could even be another vote. But the tribe appears well on its way to blazing a path forward on recreational marijuana.

“Our tourism is definitely going to grow from this recreational use of marijuana. It’s going to bring in people from the outside,” said Bowen.

A push to legalize recreational marijuana failed in the New York legislature’s last session. The Mohawks are a sovereign entity but they are keeping an eye on where legalization stands in New York.

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