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Gathering to workshop a framework for Anishnabek self-regulation of the cannabis industry

On Saturday, March 9th, 2019 the Mississauga of Rice Lake Cannabis Association will be hosting a day long meeting in Alderville to bring together Anishinabek cannabis growers and dispensary owners to discuss, improve, and possibly adopt a common framework of self-regulation and community governance that puts the regulation and economic benefit of the cannabis industry firmly in our own people’s hands.

On Saturday, March 9th, 2019 the Mississauga of Rice Lake Cannabis Association will be hosting a day long meeting in Alderville to bring together Anishinaabe cannabis growers and dispensary owners to discuss, improve, and possibly adopt a common framework of self-regulation and community governance that puts the regulation and economic benefit of the cannabis industry firmly in our own people’s hands.

We believe that if we are able to articulate a common framework within our industry across our various communities, we will have a much greater level of success in gaining the support and backing of our community members and political leaderships for a self-regulated industry.

We are planning to hold this meeting from 8:30am to 7pm on Saturday, March 9th, 2019 in Alderville. Food will be provided for attendees. The information package for the event is available Alderville model package

This meeting is open to all Anishinaabe people currently participating in the cannabis industry. We ask all interested in attending to register online in the form at the bottom of this page so we can get a sense of the number of people attending.

Menu for the event

Mains:Roasted local chicken thighs with white wine sage jusBaked linwood acres Rainbow Trout with citrus brown butterSides:Roasted vegetable ragout (v)Mixed grain salad featuring local wild rice (v)Winter greens with cider vinaigrette (v)Vegetarian options coming soon. Ask that anyone with dietary restrictions let us know asap so we can adapt a personal menu for them.

Draft Agenda


8913 Hwy 45, Roseneath, ON K0K 2X0

8:30am Welcome Breakfast [complimentary meal for all participants]

9:30am Opening Prayer

9:45am Opening Remarks, Members of the MRLCA Executive:
Why Develop a Framework Agreement?

10:00am Plenary Session: What is the Alderville Model?  

10:45am Health Break

11:00am Small Group Workshops [5 groups, each with a facilitator]

11:30am Plenary Session: Can the Alderville Model work in other Anishinabek communities?

12:00pm LUNCH – Indian Tacos

12:45pm Welcome Back Message: Meeting Chair

12:50pm Plenary Session: What is Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship?

1:30pm Small Group Workshops [5 groups, each with a facilitator]

2:00pm Health Break

2:20pm Plenary Session: The Power of Red Feather Certification

3:00pm Small Group Workshops [5 groups, each with a facilitator]

3:30pm Health Break [facilitators confirm next steps]

3:45pm Plenary Session: What are key next Steps (including possibly agreeing to develop an Anishinabek Cannabis and Hemp Model)

4:00pm Plenary Session: Closing Remarks

5:00pm Dinner [complimentary meal provided to all participants at the workshop]

Agenda subject to changes. All updates will be posted online at Email for more information. 

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