A grassroots coalition has emerged – in the face of Band Council opposition and violent police raids – to set rules and to ensure the safety of Indigenous cannabis industry at Six Nations. From realpeoples.media original article July 13 2020 SIX NATIONS – The ongoing saga of cannabis dispensaries at Six…
Posts published in “Health and Wellness”
My mind is a free mind. Creator give me this life, and not once did he ever tell me that one individual is going to tell me what I can and can’t do here. This air is free. These plants are free. This is us. This is ours. Creator told us straightforward that we could use this. Put a little back if you’re going to take it. And don’t ever take too much – don’t take more than what we need. Those are our laws.
From utoronto.ca Original Article by University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry June 10 2020 A multidisciplinary team from the University of Toronto, with experts from the Faculty of Dentistry and the Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health has been awarded a five year,…
Supporters of Syrette have launched a petition where supporters may identify themselves and stand in support of The Ranch and the good that it is doing for the people.
From oliverchronicle.com Original Article by Sophie Gray May 2 2020 The local cannabis business is not suffering during the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, the Oliver and Osoyoos Indigenous Bloom stores are reporting a 28 percent increase in sales since the pandemic hit. The cannabis industry was declared an essential service…
Oneida First Nations' ban on visitors will force smokers, drivers to pay taxes to support recovery. While this may be a disappointment for the black-market customers, perhaps they can understand that their taxable purchases may help save lives.
Oneida of the Thames First Nation closing to non-residents amid COVID-19 pandemic. This includes the The Red Eagle Smoke Shop on Oneida Road, a native marijuana dispensary on the Oneida Reserve southwest of London.
Alderville chief, council order pot shops to temporarily close amid coronavirus pandemic in a bid to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19.
COVID-19: Tseshaht First Nation declares state of emergency. The Tseshaht Market and Orange Bridge Cannabis store are reducing their hours and implementing physical distancing.
Not all First Nations are battening down the COVID-19 hatches. with Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory near Belleville. Dozens of smoke shacks and even more illegal cannabis operations are open for business, mainly to off-reserve customers.