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Posts published in “Indigenous Regulation”

Cape Breton municipal police trample on Mi’kmaq rights in Membertou First Nation raids

In December of last year, the Cape Breton Regional Police Service carried out multiple raids in Membertou First Nation in violation of the constitutionally protected Aboriginal and Treaty Rights of several Mi’kmaq men. On December 13th, 2022 the municipal police force entered into federal “lands reserved for Indians” and raided the premises of Sully's Trading Post and Belly Busters Pizza & Donair to enforce provincial laws. 

Spirit River Cannabis – London Ontario’s first Indigenous trading post

On Thursday, November 24th Spirit River Cannabis celebrated with a soft opening of London Ontario’s first sovereign cannabis retail space. The store which is located at 72 Wellington Street is now open to the public welcoming anyone who wishes to purchase tax-free flower, concentrates, vaporizers, edibles, topicals, tinctures, and other quality-tested cannabis products.

This Indigenous cannabis shop in London, Ont., could be major test for Ontario’s pot retail laws

An unlicensed, Indigenous-owned cannabis retail store has opened its first urban location in London, Ont., looking to claim space in a crowded marketplace by selling cannabis its own way — potentially setting the stage for a major test of Ontario's cannabis retail laws.

Cannabis Harvest Gathering conference expected to draw delegates from Canada and U.S.

From Castanet by Jon Manchester November 18 2022 Canadian and U.S. Indigenous leaders are expected to take part in a conference in Vernon this weekend discussing First Nations’ future in the multibillion-dollar cannabis industry. The Cannabis Harvest Gathering takes place Friday through Sunday at the Vernon Lodge and Syilx Okanagan Trading Post.…

Zoom Meeting with Chief Riley and Stacy Amikwabi: Cannabis, the Rowan Proclamation, and the rights of Band Councils

The Rowan Proclamation of 1854 builds on the Royal Proclamation of 1763, and defends and protects Indigenous property and business on unceded Indian lands. On November 24th, 2022 join 420 North, Flint and Flower, and media sponsors Dispensing Freedom and Real People’s Media to discuss attempts by Indian Act Band…