From link to article by Trevor Hewitt, staff Thursday, Mar. 28th, 2019

Come together, right now, over weed.
First Nations leaders from all over B.C. met in Vancouver this week to discuss the relationship between Indigenous groups and cannabis.
The ‘B.C. First Nations Cannabis Forum’, the first ever event of its kind, gave Indigenous representatives from all over B.C. a chance to discuss economic opportunities within the industry.
One of the speakers at the conference was Chief Dan George of the Ts’il Kaz Koh First Nation of Burns Lake, B.C..
He said that it’s important for Indigenous communities to be treated fairly with regards to cannabis-related economic opportunities.
“We need to diversify our economies and cannabis is one of the areas where we can and get out of that poverty for our nations,” he said.
Cannabis was officially legalized for recreational use on Oct. 17 of last year.
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