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Tyendinaga to hold public meeting regarding cannabis shop

By link to article by Amanda Smith, November 19, 2019

Council and staff in the Township of Tyendinaga are getting set for a large public meeting next month.CAO Brad Roach told Quinte News there will be a public meeting held on December 9 in regards to a rezoning for Wolfe Island Cannabis.

The company first approached the township earlier this year about setting up shop. The company is looking to locate on Old Highway 2, just east of Briar Fox Golf Course in Marysville.

The public meeting will be held at the Tyendinaga Recreation Centre at 363 McFarlane Rd beginning at 6 p.m. The company originally said the site will have a 15,000 square foot facility, with room to grow to 100,000 square feet, but Roach says the company has since downsized and intends to be much smaller. 

Roach says they will be working closely with the company, with zoning changes, and proximity to an elementary school still a factor.

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