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Anishinabek Nation 2018 Cannabis Report Document

Executive summary

Full text of the Cannabis Report in PDF form.

“Cannabis and the implications that impending cannabis legislation may have on Anishinabek peoples has fast become a major concern to First Nations and citizens who are actively seeking up-to-date information in order to hold dialogue both within communities and at leadership levels in preparation for policy development. Prior to the Fall 2017 Anishinabek Nation Chiefs Assembly, no discussion of Cannabis had been tabled.

This gathering was facilitated by the Anishinabek Nation in order to provide information to leadership on the status of the Cannabis legislation, licensing requirements, as well as to discuss the positive and negative ramifications that will affect First Nations. The meeting of approximately 50 participants was held in Sudbury, Ontario, with representatives from approximately 20 First Nations.

Representatives from Chiefs of Ontario, as well the federal and provincial governments, provided information. The Federal government provided information on: the context for Canada’s Plan to Legalize, Regulate and Restrict Access to Cannabis; the proposed Cannabis Act Enforcement; Aspects of Implementing Bill C-45 and C-46; and Information on Canada’s activities in support of Cannabis legalization and the process to become a licenced producer. Additionally, the Anishinabek Nation legal council provided a legal perspective. “

Anishinabek Nation Cannabis Report

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